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Here's a look at who's running in Ward 3

If you're still undecided on who to vote for, here's a breakdown of the three candidates vying for the one ward councillor seat in Schumacher
Ward 3 candidates Bill Gvozdanovic, left, Sylvin Lacroix and Carter Lucyk.

Election day is less than a week away. 

If you haven't cast a ballot yet and are deciding on who to vote for in the Timmins election, here's a look at who's running in Ward 3 (Schumacher). 

With incumbent Joe Campbell making a run for the mayor's seat, there will be new representation in the ward. 

There are three candidates: Bill Gvozdanovic, Sylvin Lacroix and Carter Lucyk.

Gvozdanovic was previously the Schumacher councillor for a decade and is looking to win a seat at the council table again. Read his bio here. His take on some of the election issues is available here.

This is Lacroix's first council run. He's been living in Timmins for 34 years, the last 19 of which have been in Schumacher. Read his bio here. His responses to the election issues are available here.

Lucyk has deep roots in the community and was born, raised and is retiring in Schumacher. Read his bio here. His responses to some of the election issues are here.

The Timmins Chamber also invited all candidates to talk about priorities in this election campaign.

Watch what the Ward 3 candidates had to say below: 

The municipal election is Oct. 24. Advance voting is being done online and runs Oct. 11-24. In-person polls are open on election day.


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