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Meet Ward 3 candidate Carter Lucyk

There are a number of concerns behind his run for council
Ward 3 candidate Carter Lucyk.

TimminsToday asked each of the candidates to submit a bio to introduce themselves to the voters. Here's Ward 3 candidate Carter Lucyk's introduction:

For those that may not know me, my roots are deep in the community.

I was born, raised and retiring in Schumacher. My family had a small business that was actually the first Toyota, Skidoo and Kawasaki dealership. They purchased property to start the first all-season sport centre. I fondly remember growing up and attending Schumacher Public School. Winter sports surrounded our community, in summer you could be part of the Schumacher Athletics and play ball or tennis in McIntyre Park.

Being one of five boys and the family business revolving around cars, boats, motorcycles and skidoos attracted me to mechanics. It was either clean house or get your hands dirty, from automobiles and small engines, to large heavy equipment. I worked for one of the largest equipment dealers in Canada. Starting as a mechanic, to on Highway Truck Engine sales, service manager, interim branch manager, to project manager. I assisted with the Dome Super Pit, Detour Lake Gold, DeBeers Diamond Mine and Aginco Eagles Gold Mine in Nunavut start-ups. Some of these start-ups exceeded $60 million in equipment, parts and service. Then several years at a local gold mine as the maintenance manager with responsibilities for surface and underground. From there the last six years were teaching Mechanical Trades at Northern College. I am still active as a volunteer firefighter for the Schumacher Fire Department for over 18 years, which also helps to administer the Mr. Schumacher Christmas Fund. For five years I have been volunteering with Young Eagles flying children for a bird’s eye view of our community.

Working as a manager for a large corporation or a mine requires working with accurate budgets and making some tough decisions. So why does being a council member interest me, to be honest, the answer requires huge amounts of time and space that prevents a full explanation. 

We are in difficult times, where costs are exceeding revenues. Special projects are taking away from services that should never leave citizens feeling afraid to walk our streets, go shopping, banking etc. I would like to continue on, but space restraints are limiting.


  • Better policing/surveillance cameras
  • Review volunteer fire departments
  • Improve garbage pick-up
  • Traffic lights updated
  • Add stop signs
  • Road maintenance/repairs
  • Dust/noise issues
  • Upgrade boundary Lane
  • Establish more functional playgrounds
  • Handicap access
  • Regenerate McIntyre park
  • Walking trails improved
  • Outdoor rinks summer and winter
  • Address abandoned derelict homes
  • Mental health awareness
  • Homelessness assistance
  • Elderly transit assistance
  • Bus service hours of operation
  • Long term growth

The municipal election is Oct. 24. The other Ward 3 candidates are Bill Gvodanovic and Sylvin Lacroix.


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