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Meet Ward 4 candidate John Curley

He says his voice brings experience to the table locally and to other tables across the province
John Curley is seeking re-election in Ward 4 (Porcupine)

TimminsToday asked each of the candidates to submit a bio to introduce themselves to the voters. Here's Ward 4 candidate John Curley's introduction:

I was born in Fort Erie, Ontatrio. Moved and have been a resident in the east end of the city for the past 65 years.

I have been active in the community for a very long time. I have worked on many projects such as the skatepark and waterpark. I have assisted various schools with fundraising for playground equipment or educational trips.

Retirement allows me the time needed to devote to your concerns and the city on a whole.

In the spring of 2022 as my role of director on the Federation of Northern Municipalities of Ontario (FONOM) I was appointed to the Ontario Joint Housing and Planning Task Force to work on dealing with housing crisis we all face. In March of 2022 FONOM appointed me to the newly formed task force to work on Federal Bill C-75. I was elected to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Northern Caucus in August 2022.

Locally I sit on:

  • Timmins Non Profit Housing - Chair
  • Porcupine Health Unit - Vice Chair
  • Porcupine Health Unit Finance Committee - Vice Chair
  • Golden Manor - Vice Chair
  • Cochrane District Social Service Administration Board - Member
  • Mattagami  Region Conservation Authority - Vice Chair
  • Ontario Good Roads Association - Life Member, first elected to this board in 1995
  • Kulta-Koti - Board Member
  • Porcupine Kinsman- Life Member
  • Legion Branch 287 - Member

As you can see I have been fortunate to have the trust of many to be elected or appointed to many boards allowing me the opportunity to bring concerns to different tables.

I was actively involved in helping to bring our new MPP to Toronto. We now have someone on the right side of government to help move the city forward.

I recently attended a summit to work on attracting more students to our area they are our future.

My Goals are to continue to work hard on your behalf; examples

  • New replacement bridge in Hoyle
  • Work with the province and our MPP to bring back the Ontario Rail Passenger Service to Porcupine
  • Sit at the table to support our mining sector both existing and new; and future developments in our best interest.

 I am also in talks for a housing development.

 I believe my presence at the council table brings experience and a voice to other tables across the province that a new member cannot bring.

This Election Vote John P Curley

For lawn signs call

  • John 705-365-7787
  • Linda (Connaught)705-365-7108
  • Marlene (Hoyle) 705-365-7492
  • Barbers Bay 705-363-2100
  • Dubien’s General Store

Or email me at [email protected]

The municipal election is on Monday, Oct. 24. The other Ward 4 candidates are Tim Jamieson and Ken Steinbrunner.


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