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Meet Ward 4 candidate Tim Jamieson

A longterm plan to address the crumbling infrastructure is among his top priorities
Tim Jamieson is a Ward 4 (Porcupine) candidate.

TimminsToday asked each of the candidates to submit a bio to introduce themselves to the voters. Here's Ward 4 candidate Tim Jamieson's introduction:

Born and raised in Porcupine, I attended Golden Avenue Public School and Roland Michener for high school. I studied French cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu in Ottawa and studied political science at the University of Waterloo. My wife Lisa was born and raised in Schumacher and we live in Porcupine where we are raising our two children Izabelle, Sunny and Joey. 

I have spent most of my childhood and adult life living in Porcupine and have a love for our community and its people.  For this reason, I wish to serve the people of Ward 4. 

I believe our city needs a long-term plan to address the crumbling infrastructure because filling potholes and doing emergency repairs is not a long-term solution.  Living in Timmins has provided so many opportunities over the years for myself and family, and if the people of Ward 4 choose to elect me, I would be honoured to serve in their best interest and the interests of the community as a whole. 

The municipal election is on Monday, Oct. 24. The other Ward 4 candidates are John Curley and Ken Steinbrunner.


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