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Meet Ward 5 candidate Rick Dubeau

He says it's a very important time in the city's history
Ward 5 candidate Rick Dubeau.

TimminsToday asked each of the candidates to submit a bio to introduce themselves to the voters. Here's Ward 5 candidate Rick Dubeau's:

This is a very important time in our history. Timmins’ potential growth has never been greater. The mining industry is developing in and around Timmins at a rate not seen in years. Support from the provincial government has never been better. Strong leadership and fiscal responsibility are required on council to prepare the city for a positive future.  

The City of Timmins must re-evaluate the Official Plan to best be ready to attract and support new business. This will grow the tax base and spur economic growth. It is most important that taxes be spent wisely to improve and strengthen our infrastructure.  All plans going forward must be based on best business practises. We must work with all levels of government to provide the best programs and support for all citizens. Our population is aging and we must ensure that we have the services in place to care for the people who built our community. We must also build a stronger future for the next generations. Crime in the downtown and throughout the community must be addressed. A comprehensive plan must be developed to get the situation under control. 

I was very fortunate to work for the Timmins Fire Department for 32-plus years. It was a very exciting and rewarding career. I filled many roles, including firefighter, lieutenant and chief training officer. My next career choice was that of Timmins councillor from 2014-2018. I worked hard every day for all of the taxpayers of Timmins. I asked a lot of questions of staff and council, some of which were tough. I wanted to know exactly what was going on at all times, always trying to improve operations and the services provided. I have since been working as an insurance inspector. 

I have been married to my wife Gilda for 31 years, she has worked as a dental hygienist for 40-plus years. We have a wonderful daughter, Rebecca.

If you choose to elect me, I will work hard for all of the citizens of Timmins. I will push for responsible governance to ensure that your taxes are spent wisely. I will mandate accountability from all staff and council. I will provide strong leadership, to build a better and stronger Timmins.  

The municipal election is on Oct. 24. The other Ward 5 candidates are Steve Black, Veronica Farrell, Andrew Marks, Caroline Martel, James McMahon, Kristin Murray, Cory Robin, Neil Siblall and Ed Stecewicz.


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