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Meet Ward 5 candidate Veronica Farrell

She wants to make the city something everyone can be proud of
Ward 5 candidate Veronica Farrell

TimminsToday asked each of the candidates to submit a bio to introduce themselves to the voters. Here's Ward 5 candidate Veronica Farrell's introduction:

Born and raised in Timmins

Retired after 35 years with The Credit Bureau Timmins 

Presently sit on three boards:

  • Community Living Timmins 25 years
  • Timmins Public Library 12 years
  • Cochrane District Crime Stoppers 3 years

As you can see I am involved in community projects.    

We in Timmins have many areas in which we can hope to improve. Taxes will never go down so let’s let that boat float away.  

There is a homeless and opioid crisis in our city. What can we do about this?

People are living on the streets, bushes and wherever else they can to say warm and safe. 

We need to work with CDSSAB and our provincial government for help. 

It’s not just money. We need services that offer counselling to help them get off the drugs and find decent living conditions. All branches of the city need  to be on board

We need a special committee just to work on these issues and that is what I will try to make happen 

There are other needs in our beautiful city that need to also be addressed so we will have to prioritize these.    

Let’s make our City something we can all be proud of.

The municipal election is on Oct. 24. The other candidates in Ward 5 are Steve Black, Rick Dubeau, Andrew Marks, Caroline Martel, James McMahon, Kristin Murray, Cory Robin, Neil Siblall and Ed Stecewicz.


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