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Doug Ford's visit to Northern Ontario cancelled

This morning Ford was scheduled to be in Sault Ste. Marie followed by a visit to Sudbury later this afternoon
2021-10-04 Doug Ford TADH2 MH
Ontario Premier Doug Ford at Timmins and District Hospital on Oct. 4, 2021.

SUDBURY - Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford will no longer be in Sudbury today.

Following a morning campaign stop and announcement at Algoma Steel in Sault Ste. Marie and a visit with Ontario Pipe Trades Council Local 800, Ford was to travel to Sudbury for a late afternoon visit with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1687 on Jerome Street in New Sudbury.

Ford's trip was originally delayed by the Delta Airlines crash at Pearson Airport yesterday. However, now his campaign says the campaign stops are cancelled due to the crash.