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Q&A: Timiskaming-Cochrane Green candidate Kris Rivard

He wants to fight to complete the design of a divided Highway 11
2022 kris rivard
Timiskaming-Cochrane Green candidate Kris Rivard.

With the Ontario election on Feb. 27, TimminsToday asked each of the candidates three questions. Below are Timiskaming-Cochrane Green candidate Kris Rivard's responses.

What is the top issue in Timiskaming-Cochrane right now? How would you address it?

When I meet with residents of Timiskaming-Cochrane, I hear concerns about the safety of our roads and specifically Highway 11. They want our provincial government to make our Northern Ontario highways safer. People often need to travel great distances, and they should feel safe while travelling, whether it is to access healthcare, attend school, visit loved ones, or get to their next hockey game.

As an MPP, I will fight to complete the design of a divided Highway 11, ensuring portions are completed within the next decade. A divided Highway 11 would help attract sustainable investments in our communities and all of Northern Ontario. Logistically, companies require highways to remain open so that the transportation of goods continues without unexpected delays.

By cancelling the design of a useless Highway 401 tunnel in Toronto, we can redirect these funds to Highway 11, making Northern Ontario highways much safer for a fraction of the price. This would be a great investment for the Province of Ontario to improve Northern infrastructure and the lives of people in Northern Ontario for years to come.

How will you be accountable to and represent constituents at Queen’s Park if elected?

The Green Party of Ontario is determined to put people before politics and push the province to start caring for the people of Ontario again. 

As a Green MPP, I will be your independent voice for Northern Ontario. Green MPPs are not told what to do by the party leader. As a Member of the Provincial Parliament, I plan to represent everyone within the riding of Timiskaming-Cochrane, from French River to Cochrane, and all points within our boundaries.

I will fight for properly funded healthcare, where everyone in the riding has access to a doctor or nurse practitioner by implementing a strategy to increase provincial support and incentives to attract healthcare professionals to the North.

I will work hard to attract provincial investments in affordable housing because everyone in this province deserves a safe place to call home. Over 93 per cent of our deeply affordable housing was built before 1997. Our leaders have let too many people fall between the cracks by ignoring the need for housing and the increasing cost of living.

The province can afford to make these investments if we stop the current governments wasteful spending. 2.2 billion to turn Ontario Place into a private spa, 3 billion for 200$ cheques at election time and over 100 billion for a tunnel under the 401 can go a long way, if we decide to invest these funds into the people of Ontario.

What do you want Timiskaming-Cochrane residents to know about you? 

I am 32, bilingual, and was born, raised, and educated in Northern Ontario. My wife and I have a baby boy and expect a second boy in March. I am completely invested in my province, particularly Timiskaming-Cochrane and Northern Ontario.

This provincial election is my second campaign to be your Timiskaming-Cochrane MPP.  I am also the Northern Ontario Representative for the Ontario Greens.

In 2022, I was elected as a municipal councillor in West Nipissing. I am the chair of Community Services and sit on the Economic Development Board, Recreation and Culture Board, Doctor Retention and Recruitment Committee, and the Environmental Services Board.

I decided to present myself in this election because politics have become very divisive. I believe that although every party wants what’s best for the people of Ontario, parties have different ways of setting and achieving their goals. I would love to give voters hope that elected officials can work across party lines, putting their constituents' needs first while doing what is best for everyone in the province, no matter the party you align with best.

The Green Party has the best plan for meeting the needs, challenges, and potential of Ontario. The Greens give me the best opportunity to represent Timiskaming-Cochrane and fight for what Northern Ontario needs.

Five people are running in Timiskaming-Cochrane. The other candidates are PC Tory Delaurier, Liberal Rick Ellsmere, New Blue Stephen MacLeodand incumbent NDP John Vanthof

Election day is on Feb. 27. Advance polls are open Feb. 20-22.