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Mully: Humble supporters help put Timmins' Barilko billboard back together

New skate shop has solid reputation
The Bill Barilko billboard in Porcupine.

TIMMINS - For a number of weeks, a few of us have been fielding calls about a panel missing from the Bill Barilko billboard in Porcupine.

Thanks to the large number of people that kept reaching out to tell us about the missing panel. It seems that one of the summer's earlier wind storms lifted the panel away, never to be found. 

The billboard is a privately funded project started in 2020 and was erected due to the kind support of many donors through our fundraising efforts.

Billboards do not come cheap and neither do repairs like missing panels so once again we reached out for support from donors to restore the billboard. Kevin Vincent and I reached out to a few individuals for a donation to refurbish the billboard. And in true Timmins fashion the first six people we contacted quickly said yes. 

One of the things Mully's Next Shift is heavy on is saluting the achievements of all things sports in our city and surrounding area. And I want to take the time to thank and recognize the kind efforts and assistance we received to make the repairs happen. Besides Kevin and myself, those who contributed (all eight donated the same amount) were Jim Bazuik, Al Youmans, Mark Fera, Graham MacLachlan, Ray Auclair and Marc Caron.

Also many thanks to Jamie Clarke (who has allowed us to place the board on his property) and his band of searchers who spend a great deal of time scouring the area looking for the missing panel. With the severity of the storm and the prevailing wind direction I think the panel is at the bottom of Porcupine Lake.

But they did their best to find it.

OK, so look. None of these kind donors expected or wanted their names mentioned. They are all too humble for that. They don't do things like this for glory or their ego. But too many times these and other people's kind donations and assistance allow groups to not only follow through on an original plan but help to maintain the project. Efforts like theirs should be recognized. 

The billboard is a community project and all of these gentlemen are staunch backers of their community. Mark and Graham live far from Timmins. But the spirit of Timmins has entered their psyches  and the city has a special place in their heart.

Thanks again guys for your support in all of this.

Well I finally got the chance to stop by and visit my good friend Gil Gauthier at his new shop on Pine Street South last week.

Gil has stepped out on his own again with his New Edge Skate Shop at the corner of Pine and Dale. The immaculate shop and pro-level feel stands out the minute you step through the door. Specializing in skate sharpening and repairs, New Edge also offers an extensive array of accessories. Gil has built up a solid reputation over the years for his quality of work and excellent customer service.

Gil and I go back a bit when we constantly helped each other out when I was still in the biz and he was at his old shop. He was also my go-to guy at the Jet and I's hockey school where he ran our highly successful goaltending program.

Now I get the chance to just go in and watch him work while I sip tea and serve up bad stories.

If you need Gil's services you can reach him at 705-465-6018. 

It was a good start for the Rock with two solid road wins over the weekend. I look forward to seeing them in action soon at the refreshed Mac.

Probably my favourite athlete right now is J.D. Beach.

He's currently racing in MotoAmerica Superbike and is also an accomplished flat/track racer as well. He has competed in many levels in both Europe and North America. He is highly successful and a regular on the podium.

His amazing skills and blazing speed on the  track stood out for me while I watched the races. What has really endeared him to me is his ability to rise above his challenge of stuttering. S

ome athletes faced with that challenge may be tempted to shy away from the media spotlight or interviews. Not J.D. He relishes it and is not shy in any way. He is a favourite of the sport's following media and never fails to disappoint. He has a wonderful sense of humour, has an engaging charm and always has a bright, beaming smile. He is truly a beacon for people who share the same affliction.

He has stated many times that learning to accept the challenges his stuttering may present has made him a better racer and person. He is able to rise to any challenge. I'm pretty sure speaking in front of a crowd or public speaking is the number one phobia for the public. Imagine how elevated that must be if you stutter.

But Beach continues to stomp that fear with every interview. Almost every time I'm watching the races there is a J.D.interview. And every time, despite some struggles, I see a great interview. His outlook and confidence are an inspiration to all. All people could learn a lot from J.D.

In the next little while I hope to have a huge story to share with you in regards to some local hockey history. Hey wait a minute it is actually two huge stories I can't wait to share.

Stay tuned.

Later skater.

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