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COVID-19: Here's the situation in Timmins today

Social circles are allowed to expand

There has been no movement on Timmins-area COVID 19 cases today.

To date, there have been 65 confirmed cases. Of those, 57 are resolved and seven people have died. There is one known active case of the virus in Timmins.

Ontario reported fewer than 200 new COVID-19 cases today, for the first time since March 28. Today’s report from Public Health Ontario states there are 182 new lab-confirmed cases. So far there have been 31,726 cases. That includes 26,187 recoveries and 2,498 deaths. In Northern Ontario, there are 11 known active cases. 

As the second phase of reopening takes effect today, the Porcupine Health Unit says it's critical for people to keep doing their part to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Find out some of the Timmins businesses that have reopened, including the stores open at the Timmins Square today, here. To be added to the list, send your business name and new safety measures people should know about to [email protected].

Although licenced childcare providers are allowed to start reopening, it could still be a couple weeks before centres in Timmins open.

Social circles of up to 10 people are allowed in the province effective immediately. The province is offering these five simple steps to follow to safely expand your social circle:

• Start with your current circle: the people you live with or who regularly come into your household;

• If your current circle is under 10 people, you can add members to your circle, including those from another household, family members or friends;

• Get agreement from everyone that they will join the circle;

• Keep your social circle safe. Maintain physical distancing with anyone outside of your circle; and

• Be true to your circle. No one should be part of more than one circle.

With this year's Pride Week celebration moving online in Timmins, organizers have a variety of events lined up. Learn more about what's happening June 22-28 here.

Glencore has boosted the Chamber's Small Business PPE Grant with a $30,000 contribution of locally-produced hand sanitizer. Read the full details here.

Northern College has taken a number of steps to help its students cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full story here.