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COVID-19: Here's the situation in Timmins today

There are five known active cases in the Hearst, Hornepayne area
2020-05-11 PHU building
The Porcupine Health Unit. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

No new COVID-19 cases were reported by the Porcupine Health Unit today.

The last positive tests in the region were announced yesterday, when two cases were confirmed in the Hearst, Hornepayne area. 

To-date there have been 98 confirmed cases of the virus in the region. Of those, 82 are recovered and nine people have died. There are seven known active cases — five in Hearst, Hornepayne, and two outside the region. In the past week, six new cases have been reported, all of which are in the Hearst, Hornepayne area. 

The health unit is aware of 30,600 tests being done, which is an increase of 168 from yesterday's report. 

In Hearst, the Porcupine Health Unit office is temporarily closed because of an outbreak after two staff members tested positive. 

Four classes at the Hearst French Catholic high school are in isolation after a student tested positive. The school is open.

People have also been warned of a potential exposure to the virus at Rick's Muscle World Centre gym in Hearst on Tuesday, Oct. 20 and Wednesday, Oct. 21 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

People who were at the gym during those times are being asked to monitor for 14 days, which ends Wednesday, Nov. 4 or Thursday, Nov. 5.

Public Health Ontario reported 896 new cases of COVID-19 today. To date, the province has confirmed 75,715 cases of COVID-19 and reported 63,919 resolved cases and 3,127 deaths.  

It's Halloween Eve! Whether you're trick-or-treating or handing out candy, the health unit has shared some COVID-19 safety tips. Read about them, and watch a fun Haloween safety video from Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler, here.

How are you celebrating Halloween this year?

Will you be doing the monster mash via Zoom? Have you crafted an elaborate candy chute to deliver treats? Have you gone all out with epic (and truly haunting) decorations? What are you brewing in your cauldron this year?

Send your Halloween pics to [email protected].

We'll share a photo gallery of the submissions Oct. 31. Be sure to tell us a little about what's happening in the photo. (Puns are encouraged.)


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