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Health unit confirms 75th case in the region

The man in his 40s is self-isolating at home

A Timmins man in his 40s is the 75th confirmed COVID-19 case in the region.

According to the Porcupine Health Unit, he is self isolating at home. The investigation into his exposure is ongoing.

Of the 75 confirmed cases, 64 have recovered and nine people have died. There are two known active case of the virus in the region.

The health unit urges residents to store masks properly to prevent contamination and consider sending your child to school with a storage container or bag into which they can put their mask and easily take it out again by the ear loops, without touching the fabric of the mask.

The COVID-19 information line is open today from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call the toll-free number, 1-800-461-1818 or the PHU office in your community. See the office listings for local contact numbers.


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