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Here's what being in the Orange means for the Timmins area

It includes intermediate measures and restrictions while avoiding closures
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Next week, the shutdown and stay-at-home order are lifting for the Porcupine Health Unit region.

Tuesday, Feb. 16, the area will move into the Orange - Restrict level of the province's COVID-19 Response Framework.

The Orange level includes intermediate measures and restrictions while avoiding closures, according to the province. 

According to the Porcupine Health Unit, key changes at this level are:

  • Limit close contacts to those who live in your household
  • If you live alone, you can have close contact with one other household
  • Events and social gatherings in private homes, back yards and parks are limited to 10 indoors and 25 outdoors
  • Organized public events and social gatherings in staffed  businesses and facilities are limited to 50 indoors and 100 outdoors 
  • Religious, wedding and funeral services are limited to 30 per cent capacity indoors and 100 people outdoors 
  • All open businesses must post signage at all entrances informing people how to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms. 
  • Restaurants, bars, and other food or drink establishments are limited to 50 people indoors and four people per table. No buffet type service 
  • Personal care services that require removal of face coverings are not permitted.
  • Sports and recreational fitness facilities limited to 10 people per class – indoors, 50 people in areas with weights and machines, 25 people per class - outdoors

“Even though there is some easing of the restrictions and more businesses will open, we must continue to minimize our non-essential social interactions and treat every situation like COVID-19 is present regardless of cases reported," said Dr. Lianne Catton, Porcupine Health Unit medical officer of health.

A full break down of the province's framework levels is available here.


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