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Hospital visits to remain during shutdown, with one change

Designated visitors must live in the area
2017-11-10 Timmins and District Hospital MH
Timmins and District Hospital. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

While the Timmins hospital will continue offering visits during the Ontario-wide shutdown, there is one change to who can be a designated visitor. 

To curb the slow of COVID-19, Dec. 26 a shutdown is effective for at least two weeks in Northern Ontario and 28 days in southern Ontario.

Earlier in the pandemic, the visitor policy at Timmins and District Hospital was changed. In-patients can have scheduled visits with designated visitors.  

According to the hospital, those visits will continue during the shutdown.

"In an abundance of caution all new designated visitors and/or care partners must reside within our local area. This process will be implemented Dec. 26 and be reassessed on Jan. 9," reads a hospital statement.

"As a reminder, all designated visitors and/or care partners will be contacted directly in order to schedule their visitation. Designated visitors and/or care partners are identified by the patient and/or substitute decision-maker or power of attorney."


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