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Local child-care centres won't open June 12, says CAO

Centres will be contacting registered families to assess needs

Although licenced childcare providers are allowed to start reopening tomorrow, it could still be a couple weeks before centres in Timmins open.

Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board CAO Brian Marks said its childcare centres in the district will not open June 12. They won't all open on the same day, either.

“It is estimated that it will take anywhere from one to two weeks before we begin to open some of these centres,” he said.

Premier Doug Ford announced Tuesday that child-care centres, including in-home providers, could reopen with strict guidelines in place.

“All centres will be required to meet additional requirements to safely reopen, including enhanced cleaning, mandatory screening of staff and children, limitations on no essential visitors and ensuring there’s a COVID-19 response plan in place. Restrictions on the size of the groups will be limited to 10 individuals per room, which will include both staff and children,” said Marks in today's health roundtable for the COVID-19 pandemic.

CDSSAB is working with public health officials to reopen the local system in a way that is safe and feasible for the community and ensures that centres feel supported, said Marks.

The priority for opening sites will be based on the current clients' needs, number of staff who can return to work, and the availability of space.

“Ratios are significantly lower than normal under these guidelines and individual centres will be in contact with their registered families to assess their needs,” he said.

As site reopening dates are confirmed, the information will be posted online here.