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Two new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Hearst, Hornepayne area

The exposures have been linked to close contact with another positive case

Two new COVID-19 cases are being reported by the Porcupine Health Unit.

According to PHU, the residents are in the area of Hearst, Hornepayne.

The exposures have been linked to another positive case and the people are in self-isolation.

These are the 97th and 98th cases reported by the PHU. So far this month, there have been eight confirmed cases in the area of Hornepayne and Hearst.

The Porcupine Health Unit office in Hearst is temporarily closed due to an outbreak after two employees tested positive. 

Four classes at the Hearst French Catholic high school are in isolation after a student tested positive. The school is open.

People have also been warned of a potential exposure to the virus at Rick's Muscle World Centre gym in Hearst on Tuesday, Oct. 20 and Wednesday, Oct. 21 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

People who were at the gym during those times are being asked to monitor for 14 days, which ends Wednesday, Nov. 4 or Thursday, Nov. 5.

According to the health unit, an infected person can spread the virus up to 48 hours before they had any symptoms or tested positive.

Of the confirmed cases, 81 are recovered and nine people have died. There are eight  known active cases, six of which are in the Hornepayne and Hearst region.

To access COVID-19 testing, call your health care provider or the health unit. 

The COVID-19 information line can be reached at 705-267-1181 or 1-800-461-1818

There are COVID-19 assessment centres in Timmins, Cochrane, Iroquois Falls, Kapuskasing, Smooth Rock Falls, Hearst, and Hornepayne. 



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