If you travelled from Cancun, Mexico to Sudbury via Sunwing Airlines March 18, you may have been exposed to COVID-19.
Algoma Public Health announced Monday a fifth resident in that region has tested positive for COVID-19.
The man in his twenties had recently travelled to Mexico, returning to the Algoma region March 18.
He developed symptoms on March 20 and was tested through his family health team on March 23. He has been in self-isolation since his return to Algoma and close contacts have been identified and notified.
Anyone who travelled on the flight below, in the indicated rows, should contact Algoma Public Health, or their local public health unit.
- Date: March 18, 2020: Cancun, Mexico to Kitchener to Sudbury on WG192 Sunwing Airlines.
- Passengers in rows 1-5 and flight crew that may have served these rows are considered close contacts.
"As expected, we will keep seeing more and more people with COVID-19 in Algoma," says Dr. Jennifer Loo, Algoma Public Health Associate Medical Officer of Health, in a press release.
She advises that in order to prevent uncontrolled person-to-person spread in our communities, all of us must act now, to do three things:
- Every single person must practice physical distancing. Avoid close contact with those outside of your immediate families and stay two metres apart from other people at all times.
- All returning travellers must stay home for 14 days.
- Anyone who is ill, even with mild symptoms, must stay home.