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Trick-or-treating? Here are some COVID-19 safety tips

If you're handing out candy, the health unit suggests using tongs
2020-10-30 Fiddler
Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler dressed as Fred Flinstone to share COVID-19 safety tips on social media.

If you're heading out to trick-or-treat or handing out candy to all the little ghouls and goblins, the Porcupine Health Unit is sharing a few safety tips.

To limit the spread of COVID-19, in an Oct. 19 news release medical officer of health Dr. Lianne Catton said trick-or-treaters should "proceed with a high degree of caution."

Dressed as Fred Flinstone, Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler encouraged people to have fun and stay safe this Halloween, while sharing some safety tips in a video shared on social media.

Whether you're handing out candy or trick-or-treating, screen yourself and children for symptoms. 

For trick-or-treaters, the health unit's tips include: 

  • Wear a costume that makes wearing a mask or face covering easy. A costume mask is not a substitute for a non-medical face mask.
  • Trick-or-treat with members of  your household, and stay close to home.
  • Stay two metres away from other people.
  • Avoid touching doorbells or railings — call out "trick-or-treat" from two meters away instead.
  • Bring hand sanitizer. Use it often.
  • Don't gather or linger at doorsteps.
  • Wash your hands before leaving, when you get home, and before eating candy.

If you choose to hand out candy, the health unit has these tips:

  • Don't hand out candy if you are feeling sick or are in isolation.
  • Offer contactless trick-or-treating by portioning treats ahead of time.
  • Space portioned treats on a table or blanket outside. Do not leave our self-serve bowls.
  • Use tongs to hand out pre-packaged candy. 
  • Stay outside. Set up a station outside the door, just inside the garage, or hand out treats form your driveway or front lawn.
  • Build a candy slide, candy catapult, or other fun, non-touch delivery methods. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces often.

How are you celebrating Halloween this year?

Will you be doing the monster mash via Zoom? Have you crafted an elaborate candy chute to deliver treats? Have you gone all out with epic (and truly haunting) decorations? What are you brewing in your cauldron this year?

Send your Halloween pics to [email protected].

We'll share a photo gallery of the submissions Oct. 31. Be sure to tell us a little about what's happening in the photo. (Puns are encouraged.)


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