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Extra truck traffic expected for Aunor tailings rehab work

Residents should anticipate trucks passing every three to seven minutes during the week
2020-05-19 Aunor A Rehabilitation_Public Service Announcement
Newmont Porcupine provided this graphic showing the hauling route from an aggregate pit on Highway 655 and an inactive mine site out Pine Street South to the historical Aunor A tailings facility.

Extra truck traffic is expected when Newmont Porcupine starts rehabilitation work at the historical Aunor A tailings facility in Timmins.

According to Newmont Porcupine, the project is a collaboration with local contractor Niiwin General Partnership. Work is slated to start this month and run until December 2020.

The tailings facility is about 500 metres northwest of Buffalo-Ankerite.

"The rehabilitation work will include regrading of the historical tailings, placement of aggregate material and installation of a High-density Polyethylene (HDPE) cover," reads a notice from Newmont Porcupine.

For the project, aggregate material and mine waste will be brought in from a pit on Highway 655 and the inactive Nabob mine site on Pine Street South.

"Two trucks will haul daily for the duration of the project, with the possibility of peak days where up to 10 trucks will move material," reads the notice.

"Residents of Gold Mine Road, Delnite Road, Railway Street and Pine Street South should anticipate frequencies of trucks passing at approximately three to seven minutes, Monday to Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m."

People with questions, concerns or comments should email [email protected] or call 1-844-302-8648.


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