The 46th annual Beauce Carnaval's stay in Timmins ended Sunday evening, but not before thrilling Timmins for five days of rides, games and decadent midway food and in the process building some great summer memories.
Today the Beauce Carnaval its rides, games and food kiosks are packed up and traveling from the Timmins Square parking lot east along Highway 101 into the province of Quebec and Rouyn-Noranda.
“We have been coming to Timmins for 46 years now,” said Jacques Vallee, the general manager of Beauce Carnival and the son of its founder Florian Vallee. “We have built a really good relationship with the city of Timmins, the Kiwanis Club and all the people that come to our carnival.”
This year the Carnaval which started on the evening of Wednesday July 13 had a rainy start the first two days but enjoyed fine weather on Friday, Saturday and sun the last three days.
“The weather was not great on Wednesday and Thursday and the crowds were down,” Vallee said. “That’s the nature of this business – but the last three days the weather was pretty good.”
The Beauce Carnaval has something for the whole family.
Yvan Tremblay from Timmins took his son Alexandre and his son’s friend and they enjoyed a ride on the Merry Go Round
Friends Brittney and Kaidan two university students from Timmins said they enjoy coming for the food and the rides
"I came for the pizza cones," said Brittney.
"And I love the Zipper ride," said Kaidan the ride that turns around like a Ferris wheel but the cage that contains the riders spins around as well in a stomach churning motion.
Liane Guenette and her friend Stephane Villeneuve liked the Orbiter so much they went a second time.
"We love the rides and the games," said Guenette from Timmins who works with the March of Dimes. "But we like the games a bit more."
"It can get a little expensive," Guenette added. "But it's only once a year and its a great date night."
Others gathered to eat tasty, but decadent treats from freezies, to ice cream, to cotton candy
Two old friends Peter Greco and Ed Ligocki from Timmins chatted on the seats between the Fire Ball and the Merry Go Round more interested in soaking up the warm Timmins night that venturing on to a ride.
Jean Robitaille and his four other brothers have been with Beauce Carnaval since they were youngsters 50 years ago.
"What I like about working in the Carnaval," explained Robitaille," Is the freedom, of travelling from place to place."
in fact, Robitaille's parents worked with the company as well.
"Both my parents worked with Beauce Carnaval and my mother who is 85 years old is still here," marvels Robitaille. "My parents started with the old Conklin Shows.
The fun of the Friday afternoon turns into a mystical, magical event at night as the day gives way to night and the lights from the rides dazzle the senses
"We will be back next year," promises Vallee. "Hopefully will get better weather."
And its on to Rouyn-Noranda for this week. After that the Carnaval visits
But though they are leaving Timmins, the Carnaval will go on in Rouyn-Noranda where the Beauce team heads next.
After that it will be places like Val d’or/Malartic, Coaticook, Bedford, Le Gardeur, Shawville and Laval...before finally heading home to St. Georges de Beauce bringing to a close the 2016 Beauce Carnaval until it starts up again in April, 2017.
"We will back in Timmins again, next year," promised Vallee. "Hopefully next year will have better weather."
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