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Cartoons and healthcare collide in new exhibit

Check it out until August 5
Hospital cartoon
One of Ryan Power's Hospital Cartoons

The folks at the Timmins and District Hospital Foundation wrote in to let us know they have a new artist in the house. 

And by house, we mean hospital. Details follow:

The Timmins and District Hospital Foundation is proud to feature the acrylic artwork of Ryan Power in the art gallery until August 5, 2016.

Ryan’s summer exhibition, entitled, “Hospital Cartoons” features animals as well as people in the hospital context. 

Ryan is a studied artist who has a diploma in cartooning and classical animation. He enjoys painting and drawing and has created art his whole life. 

His series of nine paintings is an homage to a humorous side of the Hospital genre.

We welcome Ryan to the gallery on the main promenade and remind you that a percentage of all sales from this exhibition stay with the Hospital Foundation for the purchase of medical equipment.

Please come by the Foundation to purchase Ryan’s artwork, and visit the art gallery and leave a comment for the artist.
