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Chamber of Commerce set to go on Bender

New President for 2016-2017 hopes to promote the organization's successes and how they relate to the local business climate
New President Christine Bender and outgoing President Kurt Bigeau spoke with reporters on Wednesday afternoon. Andrew Autio for TimminsToday

Incoming President Christine Bender aims to make the public and its members more aware of the Timmins Chamber of Commerce's positive influence.

A Presidential exchange, including the ceremonial gavel, took place on Wednesday.

"It's a little bittersweet today. You spend a lot of time in the role going to different events, functions, shaking a lot of hands, and meeting with a lot of people' said outgoing President Kurt Bigeau.

He said the biggest highlight for him during his tenure, was working with what he called 'a tremendous Board of Directors'.

He hopes work will continue with municipal, provincial, and federal level governments to create policies which promote business growth.

Bigeau said he enjoyed working with city CAO Joe Torlone and Mayor Steve Black throughout the past year, despite sometimes not agreeing with city hall. He emphasized keeping that relationship ongoing and developing it further.

"Because I think we can achieve far more together than we can butting heads on issues. Nothing is accomplished if we're constantly working against each other" he said.

The role of Chamber President is a one year job. Bender moves into the chair after 5 years serving on the Board of Directors.

"I'm looking forward to Chris coming in and taking over the reigns, and I know that she's going to do a tremendous job as well. She's been very active over the past year. So its going to be a great transition" said Bigeau.

Bender called Bigeau a great mentor and role model, and joked about 'stalking' him at events over the past year in order to learn the Presidential ways.

"Very excited for the opportunity to serve as President of the Chamber. I was elected 5 years ago (to the Chamber's Board of Directors) and at that time I knew I had a huge learning curve ahead of me, and quite frankly I was a little intimidated by the whole process. I never imagined I would get the opportunity to act as President, so I'm very honoured" said Bender.

She said she was excited to work with a very proactive group.

"This is a Chamber that is never satisfied with the status quo. Always making changes with the consistent objective of creating a more positive environment for business owners, and the work that they conduct" she said.

"But there is one area that I recognize, where the Chamber falls a bit short, and my goal is to begin to rectify that this coming year" she said.


KurtBigeauOutgoing Chamber President Kurt Bigeau feels the organization is moving in the right direction, and is in good hands with Bender at the helm. Andrew Autio for TimminsToday

Bender said the Chamber doesn't promote the positive impact that is has on local, provincial, and federal governments enough.

"The Timmins Chamber is really well respected, and quite influential with its work on policy development, thanks in big part to Nick Stewart" she said. 

Bigeau later reflected on the past year, and said he'd like to see the Chamber's membership numbers increase. Although he said the membership was generally 'more engaged' this year, citing record attendance numbers at various events.

"As a whole, what I'm most proud of is, as a whole our members were more engaged, our board was more engaged. People were coming out to our events, and feeling good about what we do as an organization. The Nova Awards were spectacular this year. I think we had a record sellout. It feels good to know that people like what we do" he said.

The Timmins Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting takes place on September 28 at the Days Inn.


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