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City hands out first Heart of Gold awards

Lucille and Ron Moisan, and Cameron Grant were the first recipients

The first Heart of Gold civic awards have been handed out by the City of Timmins. 

At the start of tonight's (Feb. 6) Timmins council meeting, Lucille and Ron Moisan and Cameron Grant were recognized through the new program.

The Moisans were nominated to honour more than two decades of volunteering with the South Porcupine Food Bank and their work on the Bannerman Park restoration committee in Porcupine. 

"In 2003, recognizing that Bannerman Park was underused and could use some rehabilitation, Ron and Lucille formed a committee of residents who wished to assist with restoration of the park," said Mayor Michelle Boileau.

"Through their leadership, a park design was approved and reconstruction of the gardens, lighting, pathways, and gazebo was completed over several years. Efforts included significant fundraising for the upgrades and ongoing maintenance of the park. Bannerman Park is now a popular space for weddings, picnics, and summer concerts on the shores of Porcupine." 

Grant was recognized for his contributions to the Mount Jamieson board of directors. 

"He is commended for his work on rebranding the snow resort, rebuilding its reputation as a pillar of sports and community excellence, and helping to create a viable and sustainable recreation facility for Timmins and area," said Boileau.

"Through Grant’s stewardship as a member of the board of directors, he is credited with creating a space that celebrates innovation, supports diversity, equity, and inclusion, and remains accessible to residents in Timmins and the region."

Recipients of the Heart of Gold recognition program will be honoured monthly at a council meeting. 

Nominations can be made in the categories of volunteer and community service, youth community and civic engagement, achievement in sports, and achievement in STEAM. More details on the program and the nomination form are available here.