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City teams up with local agencies to offer extra emergency beds this winter

Overflow beds will be available and street-level outreach to connect those in need will be conducted
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Living Space, the Timmins Native Friendship Centre and the City of Timmins are pleased to announce the continuation and expansion of the Cold Weather Alert partnership developed during the previous winter.

The following process will be followed beginning Dec. 1st, 2019:

  •  Living Space will continue to operate 24/7/365 programs at their main location of 27 Cedar St. N. accommodating twenty-five (25) people in the existing emergency shelter
  • Overflow beds at the Timmins Native Friendship Centre (179 Kirby Ave.) will be open daily from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. (regardless of the temperature) and can accommodate over fifty (50) people.
  • The City of Timmins will issue media alerts when temperatures reach -25 Celsius (inclusive of windchill) alerting people to the increased risks associated with low temperatures and encouraging people to access emergency shelter.
  • People in need of emergency shelter are asked to attend the Living Space location at which time Living Space staff will assess and refer the individual to the most appropriate shelter location.
  • People who are asked to attend the overflow emergency shelter at the Timmins Native Friendship Centre will be assisted by Living Space Outreach Workers with traveling to the alternate site.
  • Living Space Outreach Workers will conduct street-level outreach with the goal of connecting people who are sleeping outside with shelter and/or support. These partnership enhancements speak to the dedication of local community organizations to coordinate efforts to end homelessness in Timmins. Systems integration and coordination of resources is essential to a community plan that improves the safety of all.



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