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City writes off over $1M in unpaid fines

Highway Traffic Act offences make up over half of the total
2018-05-07 Timmins City Hall2 MH
Timmins City Hall. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

Over $1 million in unpaid fines has been written off by the City of Timmins.

At its April 30 meeting, Timmins council approved writing off more than $1 million in unpaid Provincial Offence Act (POA) fines that are 10 years in default. It includes 1,258 files. 

All of the fines are more than 10 years old and have been sitting with a collections agency, said director of finance Natalie Moore.

Because the fines aren't booked as revenue, there is no financial impact on the city's books. The POA fines that are collected are shared between three municipalities, with Timmins receiving 56 per cent of it, said Moore.

Highway Traffic Act (HTA) fines make up 55 per cent ($591,656) of the write-offs. There are 708 HTA files. 

Dissolved companies are the next highest portion, with 13 files making up 36.6 per cent of the write-offs. Of the $393,437, one company represented $312,525 of it.

The written-off fines include: 

  • $30,897 - 268 files under the Liquor Licence Act
  • $4,196 - 40 files under Trespass to Property Act
  • $3,215 - 25 files under the Tobacco Control Act
  • $7,789 - 24 files under the Smoke Free Ontario Act
  • #2,039 - 14 files under the Safe Streets Act 
  • $19,448 - 97 files under the Motorized Snow Vehicle Act
  • $11,575 - 31 files under the Game and Fish Act


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