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Committee to be formed for Temagami Dry trademark use

The ad hoc committee will be headed by the mayor
20200828 temagami dry mayor don o'mara turl
A little rain couldn't stop Temagami Mayor Dan O’Mara from hosting a ceremony to take possession of the Temagami Dry trademark this summer.

TEMAGAMI – Temagami Mayor Dan O’Mara has been given the go-ahead to form an ad hoc committee that will provide recommendations on the future use of the Temagami Dry trademark and product lines.

Council approved a motion at the Dec. 10 regular meeting that authorizes O’Mara to do so.

After the municipality purchased the trademark earlier this year, there have been numerous unsolicited offers and advice received on what the town should do with it.

“As we move into 2021, it would be prudent to have a more complete discussion on what the future of the trademark could be,” treasurer-administrator Craig Davidson wrote in his report to council.

“An ad hoc committee, headed by the mayor to lead this discussion, appears to be a good model to use to review and critique different options. Recommendations from this ad hoc committee could be received by council for action.”

The second part of the motion that also was agreed on by council was that the size and composition of the committee can be determined by the mayor.

“Depending on what is being discussed, the size of the ad hoc committee may need to be expanded or contracted,” explained Davidson.

“To make this process more streamlined, the second part of the recommendation would allow the mayor to make these adjustments in a streamlined fashion, rather than waiting for the next meeting of council where size and composition can be adjusted.”

O’Mara commented that there has been “quite some interest out there” when it comes to the use of the Temagami Dry trademark and that he was hopeful that “we could pull something together in the next little while and we’ll go from there.”


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