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Council meets tonight, here's what's on the agenda

There's a lot for members to talk about; the anticipated legal review of the city's encampment policy isn't on the agenda
2020-06-09 City hall MH
Timmins City Hall on Algonquin Boulevard. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

TIMMINS - The jam-packed agenda for Timmins council is notably missing one item. 

Everything from the Golden Manor redevelopment project, storage containers and stop signs are up for discussion.

What's not at it is the anticipated legal review of the city's encampment policies. Over the summer, top staffers talked to a lawyer about the municipality's policies. The review was expected to be at the Sept. 17 meeting, however, it is not on agenda. 

There is still a lot for members to cover tonight. 

Here's a look at some of what's on the agenda:

  • There's an update on the Golden Manor redevelopment. The presentation notes that the project is tracking on budget, though, earlier this year an extra $6.2 million was allocated to the massive project to rebuild the city-owned long-term care facility. The update notes that the north wing steel and precast is done, and the roofing work has started. The steel and precast work for the centre and south wings is also underway. Read the full presentation here.
  • Staff is recommending creating a three-way stop at Fourth Avenue and Boundary Lane in Schumacher where the park was recently upgraded. While a traffic study didn't meet all of the bases for adding the signs, staff say safety would be improved by adding stop signs on Fourth Avenue because the speed limit is 50 km/h and the road alignment affects the line of site for vehicles and pedestrians. Read the full report here.
  • A new crosswalk could be on the way for Mountjoy Street North. Staff is recommending adding a "pedestrian crossover" at Fifth Avenue. The type of crossover recommended requires warning signs, flashing lights and pavement markings. If approved, the item would be added to the 2025 budget. The cost is expected to be $25,000 to $50,000. The full report is available here.
  • There are several items with no links to further information in the agenda. These include verbal updates about ongoing projects, including the Hoyle Bridge replacement, Ontario Northland Railway station in Porcupine, Municipal Road. Coun. Steve Black has also added the temporary four-way stop at Pine and Sixth to the agenda. 
  • Coun. Bill Gvozdanovic is asking for a report on $20,000 given to DIY Health. He wants to clarify what the money was spent on and if staff has checked to make sure the money was spent on what it was for. He's also questioning if the city has any liability concerns with the Hummingbird app. Described as "Uber for intervention" the app is "temporarily pausing operations" on Friday, Sept. 20 due to lack of funding.
  • Coun. Rock Whissell is calling for better communication about what the proposed Timmins Wellness Centre of Excellence is. He's added a resolution to the agenda asking for the partners to clearly explain the proposal, what services would be delivered and the potential impacts on the neighbourhood. 
  • Reopening the Archie Dillon Sportsplex pool comes with a hefty cost. The pool has been closed since Sept. 9. A bylaw tucked away at the very end of the agenda calls for the city to hire N. Lacroix Plumbing and Heating to supply and install a boiler system and water heating coil. The contract is for $316,496.

None of the items have been approved. 

The full agenda is available here.

The meeting is at 6 p.m. in city hall. Watch the live stream online here.