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COVID-19 Assessment Centre open in Timmins

Here's what you need to know about it
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A COVID-19 Assessment Centre has been set up in Timmins.

The following information about the new Timmins assessment facility and how to access it was provided by the Porcupine Health Unit:

Who can access the assessment centre?

Only individuals who meet case definition for COVID-19 can be referred to the centre for an assessment. Those are individuals with potential COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, new or worse cough, and/or shortness of breath, and who have recently travelled outside of Canada or who have been in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days. 

Where is it?

It's at Intrepid Place, which is located within the Canadian Mental Health Association Cochrane Timiskaming Branch building at 330 Second Ave., Suite 201.  

When is it open?

The centre is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

How do you access it?

The centre is by appointment only and is not a walk-in service. A referral is required from your doctor, public health or Telehealth. The health unit can be reached at 705-267-1181 or 1-800-461-1818, the number for Telehealth Ontario is 1-866-797-0000.

Safety concerns

The COVID-19 Assessment Centre health care workers are taking all necessary precautions and standard operating procedures including infection control, testing and assessment. There are measures that will be in place to minimize risk of exposure and spread such as sanitizing hands before entering the facility.

The Porcupine Health Unit's COVID-19 page, including a self-assessment tool, is available here


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