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COVID-19 outbreak declared at Spruce Hill Lodge

It's the second declared outbreak at a Timmins seniors' facility this week
2018-05-31 SPruce Hill Lodge MH
Spruce Hill Lodge in South Porcupine. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at Spruce Hill Lodge in South Porcupine.

Earlier today, Porcupine Health Unit medical officer of health Dr. Lianne Catton confirmed the first positive case of a resident in a local retirement home. The health unit is now confirming that it's at Spruce Hill Lodge, a non-profit retirement facility located in the old Porcupine General Hospital building.

At this point, Catton said there is no known link to travel or other confirmed cases of the virus. The resident, a woman in her 90s, is in self-isolation at the residence.

“We understand that news could be upsetting for all involved, especially the staff, residents, and their family members,” said Catton in a news release. “But let me assure the public that we are working with Spruce Hill Lodge to ensure all necessary infection prevention and control measures are ongoing to contain the spread of COVID–19.” 

She said additional testing will be done during the investigation, as per the outbreak protocols.

The Ministry of Health requires an outbreak to be declared when one positive case is confirmed in a resident or staff. 

According to the health unit, Spruce Hill Lodge staff are taking necessary precautions to reduce the risk of infection and prevent the spread. 

“We wish all the best to all involved, including the family members who have loved ones living at Spruce Hill Lodge," said Catton. 

Today, the health unit reported two new cases of the virus in its area, bringing the total number of cases to 39.

Currently, the Porcupine Health Unit is aware of 628 COVID-19 tests being submitted locally. Of the 39 positive tests, 11 cases are resolved and two people have died. There have been 481 negative COVID-19 tests, and they are waiting on the results of 110.

Of the local cases, 24 are in Timmins, 14 are in the area of Cochrane, Matheson, Iroquois Falls, and Smooth Rock Falls, and one is in the area of Kapuskasing, Opasatika, Val Rita-Harty, Moonbeam, and Fauquier-Strickland.

The outbreak at the South Porcupine facility is the second declared at a Timmins seniors' residence.

An outbreak of the virus was declared at Extendicare Timmins April 9 after a staff member tested positive. The employee was was identified as a close contact of another case, which wasn't related to the long-term care facility. Because the worker was identified as a close contact, she was already in self-isolation.

If you think you may have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, first self-isolate and then use Ontario’s online self-assessment tool to see if you need to seek further care. 

If you need further assistance, call TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or your health care provider. You can also call the Porcupine Health Unit at 705-267-1181 or toll-free 1-800-461-1818.


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