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Frankie says 'major freezing rain is headed towards Timmins'

'I want everyone in Timmins to start doing their grocery shopping, do it now. Order your pizzas and Chinese food, buy cases of Pepsi, buy cases of Coke,' says the popular YouTuber

With winter weather on the way, a popular YouTuber has a message for Timmins-area residents. 

Nova Scotia's Frankie MacDonald, who does his own weather reports online, is warning people that "major freezing rain is heading towards Timmins" on Thursday.

With rain changing to freezing rain, he says that there could be ice buildup on telephone poles and power lines. He reminds people to charge their electronics in case of a power outage.

“I want everyone in Timmins to start doing their grocery shopping, do it now. Order your pizzas and Chinese food, buy cases of Pepsi, buy cases of Coke,” he said.

A special weather statement has been issued for Timmins, Cochrane and Iroquois Falls by Environment Canada. 

"Precipitation is expected to switch over from rain to a mix of freezing rain and ice pellets Thursday afternoon. The precipitation is then expected to switch over to mainly snow Friday morning. There is still some uncertainty in the exact track of this low pressure system and total ice accretion and ice pellet accumulations as a result," reads the notice.