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Friends biking through the far north to raise cash for charity

They expect it will take 10-12 days to bike 600 kilometres
2019-02-04 James Bay Descent SUP
Ted King, Eric Batty, Buck Miller and Ryan Atkins are riding fat bikes from Attawpiskat down to Smooth Rock Falls to raise money for the Timmins Native Friendship Centre's Moosonee office. Eric Batty photo

Four friends are ready for adventure, and raising cash for charity along the way.

This morning, Ryan Atkins, Eric Batty, Ted King and Buck Miller were on the ice road heading to Attawapiskat. 

For the next 10-12 days they'll be riding fat bikes built for winter travel through Ontario's far north. 

Their trip starts in Attawapiskat, they'll cross into the Territory of Nunavut at Akamiski Island, and ride through Moosonee and Moose Factory on their way to Smooth Rock Falls, where their trip will end. It's all in support of the Timmins Native Friendship Centre's Moosonee office. 

The adventure was Miller's idea.

Originally from Smooth Rock Falls, he said he lived in Moosonee when the friendship centre's office closed.

“I saw the effect of it being closed in the community. When I heard that the Timmins office opened a sub office in Moosonee we were happy to try and help as best that we can and bring attention to the cause,” he said.

During his time in the community, Miller rode his mountain bike year-round. 

"I would ride everywhere, I didn’t drive my car around I would ride my mountain bike around and realized that the snow and icy roads, it was great terrain for winter fat bike riding. I didn’t have a fat bike at the time, but I just kept it under my hat that you know, man, one of these days I would love to ride from Attawapiskat down," he said.

“I’m from the area, I’ve spent a lot of time here, I really enjoy it, it’s home to me, so I called my three closest buddies that were crazy enough to do this and we all agreed."

For the 600-kilometre trip the group will be camping. 

“We have a portable titanium wood stove, we’ve got a teepee-style tent so the wood stove will go in the centre of the tent and we’ll just be sleeping in the bush, or on the ice, trying to avoid the polar bears,” he said.

Each night, Miller said they'll be updating their location on their Facebook page — James Bay Descent — so people can follow the journey. 

While the group has already surpassed their $5,000 goal, Miller encourages people to keep donating.


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