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Groups lighting up a new Christmas tradition

There will be Christmas lights, carols and cookies!
2018-11-29 Tree Lighting MH
A 12-foot white spruce recently planted near St. Paul's Anglican Church in South Porcupine will be lit up during a community ceremony this weekend. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

A new Christmas tradition is taking root in South Porcupine.

This Saturday, Dec. 1, the Porcupine Horticultural Society and St. Paul's Anglican Church are teaming up for a tree-lighting ceremony.

Horticultural society president Billie Rheault said this fall, the city planted a 12-foot white spruce tree in the city-owned park next to the church on Legion Drive

“We wanted to put a living tree because we’re trying to encourage people to plant more trees, etc., but at the same time we said if we’re going to put up a tree, then why don’t we put up a tree that we can then decorate at Christmas time, have some spirit in the community. People see a lit Christmas tree, it brings a smile to their face,” she said.

The event starts at 7 p.m. with the lighting of the tree, followed by carol singing and refreshments.

“Anybody who would like to come, please come, please bring your family. It’s supposed to be a beautiful day, it’s supposed to be quite mild on Saturday so we will be outside for the official lights coming on on the tree and then we will be in the church hall downstairs,” Rheault said.

The event is open to all ages. She noted the church is also equipped with a chair assist for people who have difficulty with stairs.

With lots of room for the tree to grow, the group hopes to make the tree-lighting an annual event. 


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