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Highway 11 municipalities team up for doctor recruitment

Cochrane, Iroquois Falls and Matheson create Frontier Spirit Physician Recruitment
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COCHRANE - A new not-for-profit corporation has been established in hopes of helping recruit physicians to the north.

The municipalities of Cochrane, Iroquois Falls and Matheson have teamed up to create Frontier Spirit Physician Recruitment, Mayor Peter Politis said during a Tuesday (Feb. 13) council meeting.

The corporation consists of several people including representatives from each of the three municipalities, a representative from two family health teams, as well as three skills-based individuals.

As of Feb. 12, Abbigail Tremblay has been designated as the not-for-profit’s physician recruiter with her term ending on May 31, 2024. She will be paid $330 daily during the 16-week term.

Prior to this launch, the three municipalities were working together on the Worker Bees project for doctor recruitment. 

In September, Politis told council that qualifying for funding was important for the initiative, along with putting together a skills-based board.

Coun. Sylvie Cherron-Lemieux asked if money from the former Worker Bees project would be transferred to the new organization.

"The funds will be going towards this new initiative," said Politis. 

Other Highway 11-area municipalities are also working on physician recruitment. 

The Kirkland and District Family Health Team, Blanche River Health and the Blanche River Health Foundation are working on strategies to recruit doctors to the Kirkland Lake and Englehart areas.


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