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Hollinger Park upgrades to continue through June

Contract for the splash pad surface has been awarded
2019-05-28 Hollinger Park MH
Remediation work is ongoing at Hollinger Park in Timmins. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

Work at Hollinger Park is ongoing.

This week, council awarded Niagara North Inc. the contract to supply and install the soft tile surface at the splash pad for $127,895 plus HST. 

The project was originally tendered last spring as part of the remediation work at the Timmins park. When the one bid received was more than double the $125,000 budgeted, the project was broken into two parts and a new RFP was issued. Two bids were received for the new RFP. 

According to CAO Dave Landers, work on the splash pad is expected to be done by late June. 

For the other work on the north side of the park, he said the walking path and lighting is being installed from mid-June to the end of July. In mid-June Lafleur will start the top soil and hydro seeding work, with the completion date being the end of July. Miller will also be repaving the parking lot in July.

On the south side of the park where Salvador Field is, Praztec is expected to be done refurbishing the grandstands at the end of June. Northern Fencing will be installing the outfield fencing in early June. In June, Lafleur will also be hydro seeding the outfield and Niagara North will sod the infield. The Marco Clay infield will be installed at the end of June. 


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