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Kashechewan First Nation evacuated

Residents were flown to Kapuskasing due to flood risk
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There is a potential for community flooding resulting from the ice break-up due to spring temperatures. The dyke system surrounding the Kashechewan First Nations (FN) community has been assessed as ineffective against ice flows at the community. There is no immediate threat to the community at this time and an evacuation is a deliberate precautionary measure to ensure the safety of all residents.

Kashechewan First Nation requested a precautionary evacuation to take place.

Evacuation flights for evacuees were initiated on Apr. 16, 2017 with the intent to evacuate 450 – 500 persons to the host community of Kapuskasing.

The first 500 residents will remain in Kapuskasing and lodged at local motels, while the remaining residents will be directed to other host communities. Meals and emergency supplies will be provided for all evacuees at the Civic Centre Auditorium.

Other information

Federal, Provincial and non-government agencies and stakeholders continue to work with the Kashechewan First Nation and the host community of Kapuskasing.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is coordinating flight schedules accordingly with the First Nation and the host communities. The first aircraft arrived in Kapuskasing from Kashechewan FN on Sunday, Apr. 16, 2017 and flights will continue to arrive throughout the week (weather permitting) until the first phase is completed which are residents with most vulnerability or with special needs are safely established in Kapuskasing.

Additional aircrafts are being sourced for subsequent phases of the evacuation to other host communities.

Planning is currently underway to locate additional host communities for the remaining evacuees of the community.
