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Meet Ward 3 candidate Bill Gvozdanovic

He wants to make sure the Schumacher area's getting the best of the basic services
Bill Gvozdanovic is running in Ward 3 (Schumacher).

TimminsToday asked each of the candidates to submit a bio to introduce themselves to the voters. Here's Ward 3 candidate Bill Gvozdanovic's introduction:

My decision to run is simply to make sure we are getting the best of the basic services in Ward 3. Too many times we end up with a storm and we cannot access the main roads and we are stuck. I will be asking for a piece of equipment to be placed in Ward 3 so that work can begin first thing in the morning.

The garbage needs to be picked up by noon and not left till the end of the day. Residents need to keep their front and back yards clean and not store stuff that should not be there. This affects the neighbour's enjoyment of their property and my style is to drive around and report it and follow it through.

I served this ward for 10 years when my kids were just babies and now that they are grown, fine young men, my energy level is where it needs to be for the challenge. To serve the residents for 10 years was a privilege and the people know my heart is in the right place.

Being on council is not a position where you report to shareholders of a private company, this is about people! That is who we report to. It does not matter to me whether you have a dollar in the bank or a million dollars, you will get the same treatment.

A lot of talk centres around the plight of homeless people. While we are empathetic, we need to ensure the safety of residents trying to access the downtown area. This is a federal and provincial matter that seems to have been downloaded and we need to make sure they pay every cent of the costs. I look forward to speaking with the residents during the campaign period. 

The municipal election is Oct. 24. The other Ward 3 candidates are Sylvin Lacroix and Carter Lucyk.


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