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Meet Ward 3 candidate Sylvin Lacroix

Hi priorities include revitalizing Father Costello drive and effective representation
Sylvin Lacroix is running in Ward 3.

TimminsToday asked each of the candidates to submit a bio to introduce themselves to the voters. Here's Ward 3 candidate Sylvin Lacroix's introduction:

Hello, my name is Sylvin Lacroix, I am running for council in Ward 3. I have been living in Timmins for 34 years and had lived in Schumacher for 19 years. I met my wife Darla at the McIntyre Curling Club and we raised four daughters in Schumacher. My grandkids will be the second generation of our family to grow up in Schumacher.

Schumacher and Ward 3 is a beautiful community I would like to enhance the following:

  1. Revitalization of Father Costello Drive
  2.  Effective representation
  3. All my votes will be made with the best interest of citizens of Ward 3 in mind.

The municipal election is on Oct. 24. The other candidates in Ward 3 are Bill Gvozdanovic and Carter Lucyk.


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