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More about the end of door-to-door mail service

Earlier today, MP Charlie Angus issued a release expressing his opposition to Canada Post's plans to do away with door-to-door mail delivery to Timmins postal codes P4N, P4P and P4R.

Earlier today, MP Charlie Angus issued a release expressing his opposition to Canada Post's plans to do away with door-to-door mail delivery to Timmins postal codes P4N, P4P and P4R.

TimminsToday received the following from Phil Legault, Canada Post's manager of media relations:

Today, we informed municipal officials as well as affected employees that neighbourhoods of Timmins – postal code starting with P4N, P4P, P4R – will be next in the conversion of door-to-door delivery to community mailboxes.

This represents 10,198 addresses to be converted in 2016.

This is part of a five-year initiative to convert one-third of Canadian addresses who still have delivery at the door to community mailboxes in an effort to secure postal service for the future.

Since the program began in 2014, one million addresses have been or are in the various stages of the conversion process.

In fact, you can review a progress report of the initiative, published online in March.

Within the next couple of days, each affected resident will receive the first of many communications from Canada Post.

The first one is an information package with a mail-in survey.

The package will tell them how they can express their priorities and preferences about their new delivery method.

This is a process we have used since the beginning of the process.

So far 260,000 Canadians have shared their insights through this survey, which proved very helpful in choosing safe, suitable locations.

Customers who have concerns about their ability to access their community mailbox will be invited to contact us via a dedicated phone number and we will work with them to find a solution that meets their needs.

Please note that no regular full-time or part-time employee will lose their job as a result of the initiative.

As we have stated throughout this process, we will reduce our workforce largely through attrition as people retire.

With mail volumes continuing to decline, the changes we are making are necessary to secure postal service for all Canadians.

We are proceeding in communities across the country as we have for years - in a thoughtful, consultative manner and in accordance with the laws that govern how postal service is provided in Canada.

Earlier TimminsToday coverage of this story:

Canada Post announces end to door-to-door delivery in Timmins