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New development sparks question on enforcing junk yard fencing

There's a public meeting today for a proposal to rezone a back road property from rural to light industrial
2022-05-18 goldmine vipond MH
A property at the corner of Vipond and Goldmine Road has been cleared. The owners are looking to rezone it to allow for a tractor trail fleet parking lot and future maintenance shop.

A Timmins councillor is glad that residents' concerns have been met when it comes to a new development on the back road.

The property at the northeast corner of Vipond Road and Gold Mine Road was cleared of trees this year, with work ongoing to prep for construction on the site. An application is before the city to rezone the property from rural to light industrial to allow for a tractor-trailer fleet parking lot and maintenance shop.

A public meeting is being held today (June 8) at 3 p.m. in council chambers at city hall. It's a chance for residents to learn more about the proposed changes and to provide comments.

When the applicant first approached the City of Timmins in December 2021, the conversation was about rezoning the land to salvage yard.

Coun. Joe Campbell said several residents in the area were concerned about the original application.

“I’m glad to see that the residents’ concerns have been met,” he said at the June 7 council meeting.

Campbell also brought up enforcement of the city bylaw that calls for junk yards to have a permanent fence that's at least 2.4 metres high to provide a complete visual barrier to the property.

“We have bylaws that indicate that scrap yards need solid fencing, not chain link. Are we going to enforce that? Because it’s not only Premier Recycling, there’s some other ones in this town that we should be looking at enforcing that bylaw. People don’t want to drive to go home to multi-$100,000 homes and drive through the scrap yard,” he said.