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Nipissing-Timiskaming Conservatives to pick candidate Saturday

After the last candidate resigned, three new people are seeking the nomination
Potential Nipissing—Timiskaming Conservative candidates Jordy Carr, Gary Keller and Steve Trahan.

Nipissing-Timiskaming Conservatives will look to put a messy nomination process behind them this weekend, as they choose a Nipissing-Timiskaming candidate to run in the impending federal election.

That person will replace former candidate Cassidy Villeneuve, who resigned just over a week ago, citing obstacles presented by the local board, and the difficulties of being a woman in politics.

SEE: Villeneuve resigns as local Conservative candidate
Battle is on for local Conservative nomination

At the close of nominations on March 14 three contestants had successfully completed the application process and were approved as nomination contestants: Jordy CarrGarry Keller and Steven Trahan.

Voting for the Nipissing-Timiskaming candidate nomination will take place Saturday, March 22 at the G Wing Theatre, Canadore College from 2 to 5 p.m.

“Now, more than ever we need a change in Ottawa and an MP who will put people first. I encourage all local party members to come out Saturday and select our new candidate. A general election call could come as early as Sunday,” said Gordan Rennie, President of the Nipissing-Timiskaming Conservative Association.


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