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Northern author shares haunting encounters in her new book

‘I want to bring some rationality to this strange phenomenon’: Sherry Hanes, a clairvoyant and palm reader, details 34 experiences and encounters with the supernatural world

Is it possible to connect with loved ones after they’ve passed away?

Sherry Hanes believes it is — and she has 34 paranormal stories from her personal life to support that claim in a newly published book: Spirited Conversations…Next?

The retired journalist and active clairvoyant has put together a compilation of short stories that takes readers through a number of angelic encounters, ghostly messages, and strange coincidences she has experienced over the years.

Born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, Hanes claims she has had a lifelong ability to carry messages from the deceased and deliver them to their loved ones in all sorts of facets.

Whether it’s through planned sessions like tea leaves and palm readings, or unexpected meetings like chatting with someone on the street, the clairvoyant says she has been no stranger to the supernatural world.

“I’ve had this since I can remember — two and a half, three years old,” she told SooToday. “I help people to alleviate their pain, their grief, and help heal the heart for the loss of a loved one. It’s not unusual for me to walk into a room and feel the presence of a dearly departed person there.”

“The main mission is to help people connect with those who have crossed over so they understand that they’re not forgotten — just the physical body is gone,” she added. “The message is always one of love, forgiveness and being reunited, even though the person is physically not here.”

While the goal is to spread positivity, not all of society believes this practice is legitimate.

Hanes admits she has met with many individuals who are skeptical or frightened of the idea that connecting with the departed is an actual possibility.  

But her intentions aren’t to force her beliefs on anyone. Instead, she wishes her re-tellings of personal events and anomalies encourages people to keep an open mind.

“There are going to be people who don’t believe, and that’s fine — I do get controversy,” she said. “It’s not my job to convince anyone that this is a possibility that exists with other people. This is just something that has always happened to me and it’s the way I’ve always been.”

“Most people fear it because it is not understood,” she added. “There’s so much gore and hauntings that are so embellished on television or YouTube, so people are terrified of this sort of thing. I want to bring some rationality to this strange phenomenon.”

Hanes noted that each of the 34 stories in her work are relatively short and get right to the point, making for “easy and light reading,” she said.

The names of people, places and dates have been changed to protect their privacy.

The author was elated when she found out California-based publisher Page Publishing not only approved her book but did so with profound excitement.

“When I finished the book, I sent a few stories from the manuscript to the publisher, and they said to me there was no guarantee they would publish me,” she explained. “Two days later, they called me and said I was right on the spot with this topic, so they asked me to send them the rest, and then we signed the contract.”

Her daughter Ashley helped design the cover, which features an animated version of Hanes sitting interview-style with a spirit in a cemetery while a lineup of other spirits await their turn to speak with her.

Hanes encourages readers to enjoy her book on a rainy day, around a campfire, or with a flashlight under their covers.

“I think people are excited about the intrigue of it,” she said. “Then they’re left to decide for themselves: are these things possible? If one has an open mind, anything is possible — this being one of them.”

Spirited Conversations…Next? is available for purchase on Amazon.

Alternatively, locals can buy a copy when Hanes hosts a book launch and signing on Sept. 26 at the Marconi Multicultural Event Centre from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

She will also be donating a copy to the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library where she has been invited to do in-person readings of her work in October.


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