The Northern College Community float that paraded along the streets of downtown Timmins as part of the Santa Claus Parade this past Saturday, won the Best in Theme category for this year’s theme of O Christmas Tree.
The festival of trees display featured on the float will be repurposed for the Trees for Bursaries Silent Auction event on Monday, Nov. 21, 2016.
The Northern College community float was a collective effort with internal stakeholders at the college that included Follett – Campus Bookstore, Algoma University at Timmins, Enactus Team, NEOnet Inc., Northern College Alumni Association and Northern College Entrepreneurship Centre.
“The creation of the Northern College community float was the perfect opportunity for Northern College to reach out to our internal stakeholders at the Timmins Campus to build stronger relations and come together as a community under one roof,” said Nicole Gingras, development officer at Northern College. “This project not only engaged everyone and boosted morale internally, but provided the occasion to participate in a great community event and raise funds to benefit our students.”
The collection of trees is currently on display in the Atrium at Northern College’s Timmins Campus. The Trees for Bursaries Silent Auction will be accepting bids for the seven custom-made wooden trees from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 21, 2016. The event is open to staff, students and members of the community.
All proceeds from the auction, as well as the funds from winning at the parade, will go towards the student bursary program at Northern College. Tax receipts will be provided to the winning bidders.
For more information about the Trees for Bursaries Silent Auction, contact Nicole Gingras, development officer at Northern College, at 705-235-7210 or [email protected]. To learn more about the student bursary program at Northern College, visit here.