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Precious gift helps hospital maternity ward

Little Emma helped The Co-operators support the Timmins District Hospital Foundation with a big cheque on Friday
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Sebastien Vermette, Lyanne Chabot and precious little Emma attended Timmins and District Hospital Friday afternoon to make a generous donation for our maternity ward.

This contribution was on behalf of The Co-operators and The Co-operators Foundation. Accepting the $10,000 cheque were Barb McCormick, Manager of Donor Relations, TADH Foundation and Vicky Bernard, Manager, Obstetrics/Mental Health, TADH.

Barb McCormick thanks “The Co-operators for supporting the TDH foundation with a substantial gift that will allow the Obstetrics’ Department to make needed equipment upgrades. Upgrades that improve the quality of care our staff provides to our new residents and moms.”
“This meaningful gift supports our ability to deliver essential healthcare” stated Vicky Bernard, “now and well into the future that will optimize the care of infants and women who rely on services of our Timmins and District Hospital.”

About the Timmins and District Hospital Foundation

The Timmins and District Hospital Foundation (TADHF) is an accredited charity, formed to support the Timmins and District Hospital (TADH) by raising funds for medical equipment, beyond funding available from Government sources.

Since 1985, TADHF has transferred more than $49 million to TADH, providing funds essential to ensure our Hospital and healthcare teams can deliver the best in specialized care to patients in the district. Our ultimate goal, with the assistance of donors, our volunteers, Hospital staff and health care professionals is to provide the best health care to our community and the region.




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