The Timmins Police Service has enlisted the help of Crime Stoppers to help solve a break and enter. Now we need your help.
Sometime between midnight on Oct. 22 and 9 a.m. on Oct. 23, 2016, an unknown person had broken into a restaurant in the northeast area of the city of Timmins.
After forcing their way into the restaurant the thieves removed an undetermined amount of cash and a removable safe. Additionally, the thieves had taken some electronics that belonged to one of the staff members at the restaurant.
The CCTV system captured two suspects, both male who are responsible for the crime.
Suspect number one was wearing a hooded white plaid ski coat, white ball cap and carrying a black back pack. Suspect number two was wearing a dark coloured coat and a ball cap and was smoking a cigarette while committing the theft.
Crime Stoppers guarantees your anonymity and promises that you will not have to testify in court.
If you can help solve this case or any other investigation, please call right now at 1-800-222-TIPS or use the internet at Your call is never taped or traced, and you could earn a cash reward if your information helps solve this case.