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Roll Call: Share who you honour on Nov. 11

We want to share the stories of local men and women who have served

TIMMINS - Kauno Wessman was 19 when he enlisted in the Second World War. 

The South Porcupine miner signed up for the 48th Highlanders in June 1940, serving in Canada, England, Italy and Holland.

He's one of hundreds of Timmins and area men and women who have served their country in conflicts. 

With Remembrance Day on the horizon, we're want to know who's in your thoughts every November. 

Send us a photo of your family who served and you want to honour leading up to Nov. 11. We'll share the local stories with our readers. 

Photos and details can be emailed to [email protected]. Please include your name, the name of the person you're honouring, where they're from and any details you want to share about their service. 


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