Photos and displays celebrating Timmins' rich sports history have been reinstalled at the McIntyre Community Centre, says clerk Steph Palmateer.
Earlier this year, the Timmins Sport Heritage Hall of Fame items were removed from the auditorium walls to allow for renovations to the room. The organization shares the space at the city-owned facility.
Palmateer said the displays were put back on the walls late last week.
"I believe there was some confusion as to what was happening with those items, but I would just like to advise council that at no time was the Sports Heritage Hall of Fame advised that their artifacts wouldn’t be going back in the facility. At no time did the city indicate that our partnership was ending or being dissolved. At no time did the city indicate that the heritage hall of fame was going to be evicted,” Palmateer said at the June 7 council meeting.
Coun. Joe Campbell said one of the problems was communication with the people involved.
“Everyone that you talked to seemed to have a different idea of where we were going with it and I think that caused some issues going forward,” he said.
While the items were off of the walls, some were framed to protect them and display them in a nicer way that fits with the room's renovations. The framing was done in consultation with Timmins Museum: NEC curator Karen Bachmann.
Campbell would also like to see the room more accessible to the public.
“It is an attraction. We have to find some way to publicize it and get people to be able go certain times during the week,” he said.
He added that there's also the potential for more interactive displays down the line, either at the current location or in another location.