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Temporary 4-way stop going up this week

Stop signs are being put in on Sixth Avenue at the Birch Street intersection
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A new temporary four-way stop is heading to a Timmins intersection. 

On Friday, a stop signs are going up on Sixth Avenue at Birch Street North, Timmins council approved yesterday (June 4). They will be there until this year's Connecting Link work on the downtown section is finished. 

The change means that east-west traffic on Sixth Avenue will have to stop, whereas right now the traffic flows without interruption from Mountjoy Street to Pine. 

Last month, Coun. Andrew Marks brought up the need for a stop sign on the stretch of road.

RELATED: Does Sixth Avenue need a temporary stop sign

This year's Connecting Link work is on Algonquin Boulevard from Balsam to Brunette. While Sixth Avenue isn't part of the official detour, Marks argued that the road is being used as a detour and the stop sign is a safety issue.

Coun. Bill Gvozdanovic asked why the sign isn't at Balsam, which was the conversation at the May 28 council meeting.

“There was some discussion to bring it to Balsam at the last council meeting, but the resolution was requested to read Birch,” said Mayor Michelle Boileau.

The last time that the city put in temporary stop signs at Mounjoy Street and Vimy Avenue for Connecting Link detours, they were later made permanent