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There's a new permanent 3-way stop in town

The stop signs on Mountjoy near Chez Nous that were a temporary measure for the Connecting Link detour are sticking around
A permanent three-way stop has been approved at the intersection of Mountjoy Street and Vimy.

Of all the stop sign requests Coun. Kristin Murray's heard in her time on council, she says the one approved last night is the most valid.

An all-way stop at the Mountjoy Street and Vimy Avenue intersection near Chez Nous is now permanent. Timmins council approved the change at its June 27 meeting.

The intersection previously had one stop sign at Vimy for traffic turning onto Mountjoy. Stop signs for northbound and southbound vehicles on Mountjoy Street were temporarily installed last year because the intersection is part of the Connecting Link detour.

Earlier this year, Coun. Cory Robin asked about exploring if the stop signs could be permanently installed. 

SEE: City exploring need for permanent 3-way stop near Chez Nous

While the city study showed that the number of vehicles using the road doesn't warrant a three-way stop, director of growth and infrastructure Scott Tam said staff looked at it again. It was decided that the all-way stop would help improve the traffic site distances.

The city already has the materials to create the all-way stop. The only cost to the city, according to the report, is the labour to install the signs, which can be absorbed in the 2023 operating budget.

Robin thanked the residents in the Vimy area who pushed for the stop sign.

“I know that there’s not enough traffic there, but I for one appreciate the three-way stop and trying to get out while looking over my shoulder for traffic,” he said.