The Knights of Columbus and the Ladies of the Knights of St. Anthony of Padua Council 12859 are once again selling their 9" uncooked flash-frozen pork/beef meat pies.
The Ladies are making a limited number of meat pies so now is the time to order.
The price of the meat pies is $10 per nine inch pie.
Cooking instructions are included.
All pies ordered will be available for pickup and payment –cash only - at our annual Christmas Bake Sale on Sunday, November 22 starting at 9:30 in the morning in the basement hall of Saint Anthony’s Cathedral Parish.
For more information or to place an order call Cathy at 705-268-2243, or Alice at 705-264-7302.
Please leave a message with a call back number.
The cut-off date for orders is Thursday, October 29 at 9 p.m. or once our limit has been met, whichever comes first.
They sell out every year – so place your order early!