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They're uncooked, flash frozen and available for a limited time only

The Knights of Columbus and the Ladies of the Knights of St. Anthony of Padua Council 12859 are once again selling their 9" uncooked flash-frozen pork/beef meat pies. The Ladies are making a limited number of meat pies so now is the time to order.
meat pie meme



The Knights of Columbus and the Ladies of the Knights of St. Anthony of Padua Council 12859 are once again selling their 9" uncooked flash-frozen pork/beef meat pies. 

The Ladies are making a limited number of meat pies so now is the time to order. 

The price of the meat pies is $10 per nine inch pie.

Cooking instructions are included.

All pies ordered will be available for pickup and payment –cash only - at our annual Christmas Bake Sale on Sunday, November 22 starting at 9:30 in the morning in the basement hall of Saint Anthony’s Cathedral Parish.

For more information or to place an order call Cathy at 705-268-2243, or Alice at 705-264-7302.

Please leave a message with a call back number.

The cut-off date for orders is Thursday, October 29 at 9 p.m. or once our limit has been met, whichever comes first.

They sell out every year – so place your order early!
