“Welcoming Our Traditions” is the theme of a Pow Wow to be held on Friday, May 9th at Timmins High and Vocational School. The event will include dancers, drummers, and craft vendors. Everyone is welcome to attend.
“I believe it is important to have a Pow Wow at the school, because it gives students a first-hand look at what a Pow Wow is,” says Pow Wow Committee member, Kaylan Innes. “It also brings people from all over the community together to celebrate each other and re-connect with one another.”
Members of Timmins High’s Aboriginal Youth Advisory Committee began planning the Pow Wow in January, with the formation of a Pow Wow Committee. Sixteen students, who meet regularly with Aboriginal Youth Liaison Officer Jamie Davey and Aboriginal Youth Assistant Jessica Cameron, have played a very supportive role in the planning process. Organizers are hoping for a great turnout to this first-ever event.
A Grand Entry ceremony will begin at 10:00am in the large gymnasium, while the closing ceremony is scheduled for 3:00pm. “Sharing the Aboriginal culture is important because it can open doors, minds, and new experiences,” added committee member Sam Kloetstra.
[caption id="attachment_32682" align="aligncenter" width="448"] The Pow Wow Organizing Committee:
Back Row: Seth Nakogee, Spencer Mack, Seguin Williams, Grant Neegan, Brandi Hunter, Agnes Iahtail, Renee Wabano, Doug Davey - (Child and Youth Coordinator, Misiway Health Centre)
Middle Row: Cheryl Macumber – Elder, Sage Friday, Nathan Naveau, Aimee Williams, Tamara Nayotchekeesic, Sam Kloetstra, Kaylan Innes, Kelsie Iserhoff, Kristine Arthur - (Wasa Nabin Youth Worker, Timmins Native Friendship Centre), Debbie Okimaw – (Oji-Cree Cultural Center), Constable Nick Moland-Osborne – (Timmins Police, Aboriginal Liaison), Rose Iserhoff – (Indigenous Children’s Wellness Worker, Timmins Native Friendship Centre)
Front Row: Jamie Davey (Aboriginal Youth Liaison Officer, District School Board Ontario North East) and Jessica Cameron (TH&VS Aboriginal Youth Assistant)[/caption]